[ adverb ] (formal) in or into that thing or place


in_that in_this


"they can read therein what our plans are"

Used in print

(Edward P. Lawton, "Northern Liberals and Southern...)

And therein , I feel , many Northerners delude themselves about the South .

(Philip Jos‚ Farmer, The Lovers....)

In his great and glorious wisdom , he knew that our enemies the Israelites must not be able to read therein what we planned '' .

Hal , the linguist , saw the glittering discs and necklaces in_terms_of the languages spoken therein .

(Leo Lemon, "Catch Up With" and "Something to...)

It 's somewhat off_the_beaten_track , to_be_sure , but therein lies its variety and charm .

Related terms

