[ adverb ] by that means or because of that


"He knocked over the red wine, thereby ruining the table cloth"

Used in print

(The New York Times,...)

Arnold 's iron shot from the tee burrowed into the bunker guarding the green , an embankment that had become soft and spongy from the rains , thereby bringing local rules into force .

(Handbook of Federal Aids to Communities. U.S. Dep...)

Many such loans have been made to establish small concerns or to aid in their growth , thereby contributing substantially to community development programs .

(Raymond C. Binder et al., editors, Proceedings...)

The total heat flux from the porous plug into the plug holder is thereby **f The temperature distribution of figure 4 gives **f for all blowing rates , assuming **f .

(Clifford H. Pope, The Giant Snakes....)

Data on the former are scanty , but there can be little doubt that the latter is sometimes born at a length greater than that of any of the others , thereby lending support to the belief that the anaconda does , indeed , attain the greatest length .

(Douglas Ashford, "Elections in Morocco: Progress...)

Both parties and the Ministry_of_the_Interior were busily at_work after the elections trying to unearth the political affiliations of the successful candidates and , thereby , give the elections a confidential but known degree of national political significance .
