[ adjective ] impossible to avoid or evade


: "inescapable conclusion" "an ineluctable destiny" "an unavoidable accident"

Used in print

(Schubert Ogden, Christ Without Myth....)

In the absence of a truly adequate conceptuality in which the gospel can be expressed , the unavoidable need to demythologize it makes use of whatever resources are at_hand - and this usually means one or another of the various forms of `` folk religion '' current in the situation .

But the main point here is that even if such a restatement were not possible , the demand to demythologize the kerygma would still be unavoidable .

If the demand for demythologization is unavoidable and so must be accepted by theology unconditionally , the position of the `` right '' is clearly untenable .

(William S. Haymond, "Is Distance an Original...)

Therefore , if the sense_of_touch is functioning normally and there is a complete absence of spatial awareness in a psychically blind person when the eyes are closed and an object is handled , the conclusion seems unavoidable that touch by itself cannot focus and take possession of the third-dimensionality of things and that actual sight or visual representations are necessary .

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