uto-aztecan has definitions from the field of linguistics
[ noun ] (linguistics) a family of American Indian languages

Used in print

(A.L. Kroeber, "Semantic Contribution of Lexicostatistic...)

He has announced results on Hokan , Penutian , Uto-Aztecan , and almost all other American families and phyla , and has diagrammed their degree of interrelation ; but he has not worked_out by lexicostatistics one comprehensively complete classification of even a single family other_than Salish .

the aspect of learning the internal organization of obvious natural genetic groups of languages as_well as their more remote and elusive external links ; of classification first , with elapsed age merely a by-product ; of acquiring evidential knowledge of what happened in Athabascan , in Yokuts , in Uto-Aztecan in the last few thousand years as_well as forecasting what more anciently may have happened between them .
