utopia has definitions from the field of writing
[ noun ] (writing) a book by Sir Thomas More (1516) describing the perfect society on an imaginary island



Used in print

(J. H. Hexter, "Thomas More: On the Margins...)

Some who have written on Utopia have treated it as `` a learned diversion of a learned world '' , `` a phantasy with which More amused himself '' , `` a holiday work , a spontaneous overflow of intellectual high_spirits , a revel of debate , paradox , comedy and invention '' .

First , it appears to be based on the fact that on its title_page Utopia is described as `` festivus '' , `` gay '' .

It is doubtful that Utopia is still widely read because More was medieval or even because he was a martyr - indeed , it is likely that these days many who read Utopia with interest do not even know that its author was a martyr .

It is doubtful that Utopia is still widely read because More was medieval or even because he was a martyr - indeed , it is likely that these days many who read Utopia with interest do not even know that its author was a martyr .

Utopia is still widely read because in_a_sense More stood on the margin of modernity .

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[ noun ] an imaginary place considered to be perfect or ideal


sion Zion

Used in print

(J. H. Hexter, "Thomas More: On the Margins...)

Platonic , Stoic , early Christian , monastic , canonist or theological communism ; we are concerned with Utopian communism - that_is , simply communism as it appears in the imaginary commonwealth of Utopia , as More conceived it .

In More 's Utopia communism is not a means of separating_out a warrior elite from the lumpish mass .

Related terms

imaginary_place Erewhon

[ noun ] (writing) a work of fiction describing a utopia

Related terms


[ noun ] ideally perfect state; especially in its social and political and moral aspects