flash has definitions from the fields of photography,psychology,news,clothing
[ verb ] gleam or glow intermittently


"The lights were flashing"

Used in print

(Jack Kaplan, "The Health Machine Menace: Therapy by...)

With these gadgets - impressive to the gullible because of their flashing light_bulbs , ticks , and buzzes - he then carries_out a vicious medical con_game , capitalizing on people 's respect for the electrical and atomic wonders of our scientific age .

(Clayton C. Barbeau, The Ikon....)

Off in the distance a searchlight flashed on , its beam slashing the sky .

[ noun ] a sudden intense burst of radiant energy

Used in print

(Clayton C. Barbeau, The Ikon....)

From the east to the west coast of the Korean_peninsula was a strip of land in which fear filled men were at that same moment furtively crawling through the night , sitting in sweaty anticipation of any movement or sound , or shouting amidst confused rifle flashes and muzzle blasts .

(Louis Zara, Dark Rider....)

A flash illumined the trees as a crooked bolt twigged in several directions .

[ verb ] appear briefly


"The headlines flashed on the screen"

Used in print

(Helen Hooven Santmyer, "There Were Fences"...)

From above one could only occasionally catch_a_glimpse of life on the floor of this green sea : a neighbor 's gingham skirt flashing into sight for an instant on the path beneath her grape-arbor , or the movement of hands above a clothesline and the flutter of garments hung there , half-way down the block .

(Dolores Hitchens, Footsteps in the Night....)

A second scene flashed before his mind , the interior of the garage at the new house and the young Bartlett girl turning startled to meet him , the dim dark and the sudden confusion and fear and then the brightness as Mae had clicked on the light .

Related terms

appear news_bulletin

[ noun ] a momentary brightness



Used in print

(Ralph J. Salisbury, "On the Old Santa Fe Trail...)

Suddenly a treble auto horn tootley-toot-tootled , and , thumbing hopefully , I saw emergent in windshield flash : red lips , streaming silk of blonde hair and - ah , trembling confusion of hope , apprehension , despair - the leering face of old Herry .

On unoccupied roadway the bottle shattered into a small amber flash .

The Indian 's arm whipped sidewise - there was a flash of amber and froth , the crash of the bottle shattering against the side of the first car .

(Jesse Hill Ford, Mountains of Gilead....)

Homes and factories and schools and a big wide federal highway , instead of peaceful corn to rest your eyes on while you tried to rest your heart , while you tried not to look at the balloon and the bandstand and the uniforms and the flash of the instruments .

Related terms


[ verb ] make known or cause to appear with great speed


"The latest intelligence is flashed to all command posts"

Used in print

(Philip Reaves, "Who Rules the Marriage Bed?"...)

`` The pattern '' , says Dr._Morton_Schillinger , psychologist at New_York 's Lincoln_Institute_for_Psychotherapy , `` is for the husband to hover about anxiously and eagerly , virtually trembling in his hope that she will flash him the signal that tonight is the night '' .

(Peter Field, Rattlesnake Ridge....)

`` You do n't have to tell me '' , flashed Cobb .

Related terms

convey news_bulletin

[ verb ] display proudly; act ostentatiously or pretentiously


"he showed off his new sports car"

Used in print

(Frieda Arkin, "The Light of the Sea," in The...)

For an instant the old aunt felt something indefinable flash through her smile .

[ verb ] run or move very quickly or hastily


dash shoot scoot scud dart


"She dashed into the yard"

Used in print

(Todhunter Ballard, The Night Riders....)

It was over an hour before their escape was discovered , but still the news that Barton was free flashed across the central portion of the state .

[ noun ] a short vivid experience




"a flash of emotion swept over him" "the flashings of pain were a warning"

Related terms


[ noun ] (psychology) a sudden brilliant understanding


"he had a flash of intuition"

Used in print

(Leo Lemon, "Catch Up With" and "Something to...)

Leaving the theatre after the performance , I had a flash of intuition that life , after_all ( as Rilke said ) , is just a search for the nonexistent cup of hot coffee , and that this unpretentious , moving , clever , bitter slice of life was the greatest thing to happen to the American theatre since Brooks_Atkinson retired .

Related terms


[ verb ] expose or show briefly


"he flashed a $100 bill"

Used in print

(Frieda Arkin, "The Light of the Sea," in The...)

Her voice was ripe and full and her teeth flashed again in Sicilian brilliance before the warm curved lips met and her mouth settled in repose .

Related terms

show blink_of_an_eye

[ adjective ] tastelessly showy


"a flash car" "a flashy ring" "garish colors" "a gaudy costume" "loud sport shirts" "a meretricious yet stylish book" "tawdry ornaments"

Related terms


[ noun ] (clothing) a bright patch of color used for decoration or identification


"red flashes adorned the airplane" "a flash sewn on his sleeve indicated the unit he belonged to"

Related terms


[ noun ] a very short time (as the time it takes the eye blink or the heart to beat)


"if I had the chance I'd do it in a flash"

Related terms


[ verb ] emit a brief burst of light


"A shooting star flashed and was gone."

Related terms

appear glint flasher

[ noun ] a burst of light used to communicate or illuminate



[ noun ] (news) a short news announcement concerning some on-going news story

Related terms


[ verb ] protect by covering with a thin sheet of metal, as of parts of roofs

Related terms


[ noun ] (photography) a lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph