arithmetic has definitions from the field of mathematics
[ noun ] (mathematics) the branch of pure mathematics dealing with the theory of numerical calculations

Used in print

(Bern Dibner, "Oerstad and the Discovery of Electro...)

Other brothers later joined them for instruction with Oldenburg , the wigmaker , and also arithmetic was added to Bible reading , German , and Danish in the informal curriculum .

(Jesse W. Grimes and Wesley Allinsmith, "Compuls...)

The Stanford_Achievement_Test , Form_J , was administered by classroom teachers , consisting_of a battery of six sub_tests : Paragraph Meaning , Word Meaning , Spelling , Language , Arithmetic Computation , and Arithmetic Reasoning .

The Stanford_Achievement_Test , Form_J , was administered by classroom teachers , consisting_of a battery of six sub_tests : Paragraph Meaning , Word Meaning , Spelling , Language , Arithmetic Computation , and Arithmetic Reasoning .

All_of these sub-tests involve reading except Arithmetic Computation .

[ adjective ] relating to or involving arithmetic




"arithmetical computations"
