[ adjective ] characterized by order and planning


"the investigation was very systematic" "a systematic administrator"

Used in print

(Cornell H. Mayer, "Radio Emission of the Moon...)

The measurements made with the NRL 50 - foot reflector , which is altitude azimuth mounted , would have shown a systematic change with local hour_angle in the measured intensities of Venus and Jupiter if a substantial part of the radiation had been linearly polarized .

(Francis J. Johnston and John E. Willard, "The...)

Following observation of the fact that the reaction rates of supposedly identical reaction mixtures prepared on the same filling manifold and exposed under identical conditions often differed by several hundred per_cent , a systematic series of experiments was undertaken to see whether the difficulty could be ascribed to the method of preparing the chlorine , to the effects of oxygen or moisture or to the effect of surface to volume ratio in the reaction tubes .

[ adjective ] not haphazard




"a series of orderly actions at regular hours"

Related terms

