[ adjective ] being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world


strange alien


"alien customs" "exotic plants in a greenhouse" "moved to a strange country"

Used in print

(Howard Nemerov, "Themes and Methods: The Early...)

His name is Praisegod_Piepsam , and he is rather fully described as_to his clothing and physiognomy in_a_way which relates him to a sinister type in the author 's repertory - he is a forerunner of those enigmatic strangers in `` Death_in_Venice '' , for_example , who represent some combination of cadaver , exotic , and psychopomp .

(S. J. Perelman, The Rising Gorge. New York:...)

My advice , if you live long enough to continue your vocation , is that the next time you 're attracted by the exotic , pass it up - it 's nothing but a headache .

Related terms


[ adjective ] strikingly strange or unusual


"an exotic hair style" "protons, neutrons, electrons and all their exotic variants" "the exotic landscape of a dead planet"

Related terms

