elevator has definitions from the field of transportation
[ noun ] lifting device consisting of a platform or cage that is raised and lowered mechanically in a vertical shaft in order to move people from one floor to another in a building



Used in print

(William Maxwell, The Chateau....)

He waited until they were inside the elevator and then said : `` Now what do we do '' ?

(John Cheever, "The Brigadier and the Golf Widow,"...)

`` I 've never done this before '' , they always said , waiting for the elevator in the hotel corridor .

(S. J. Perelman, The Rising Gorge. New York:...)

Not long_ago , I rode down with him in an elevator in Radio_City ; he was talking to himself thirteen to the dozen and smoking two cigars at_once , clearly a man in_extremis .

[ noun ] (transportation) the airfoil on the tailplane of an aircraft that makes it ascend or descend

Related terms

airfoil horizontal_tail
