enlist has definitions from the field of military
[ verb ] (military) join the military

Used in print

(The Sun, [Baltimore],...)

The 22 - year old southpaw enlisted earlier last fall than did Hansen .

Related terms

sign_up conscript enlistment

[ verb ] as of aid, help, services, or support



Used in print

(The New York Times,...)

When that failed , he enlisted Branch_Rickey 's aid in the formation of a third major_league , the Continental , with New_York as the key franchise .

Related terms

procure recruit

[ verb ] (military) engage somebody to enter the army


draft muster_in

Used in print

(Kenneth Scott Latourette, Christianity in a Revolutiona...)

Weld contributed to the anti-slavery convictions of such men as Joshua_R._Giddings and Edwin_M._Stanton , enlisted John_Quincy_Adams , and helped provide ideas which underlay Harriet_Beecher_Stowe 's Uncle_Tom 's Cabin .
