traditionalist has definitions from the field of politics
[ noun ] (politics) one who adheres to traditional views



Used in print

(Musical America, LXXXI:5...)

To the Traditionalists , it was a brilliant satire on modernism ; to the Neo Classicists , it was a challenge to the pre-war world .

At this date , it seems probable that the name of Serge_Prokofieff will appear in the archives of History , as an effective Traditionalist , who was fully aware of the lure and danger of experimentation , and used it as it served his purpose ; yet was never caught_up in it - never a slave to its academic dialectics .

(Arlin Turner, "William Faulkner, Southern Novelist"...)

If he is a traditionalist , he is an eclectic traditionalist .

If he is a traditionalist , he is an eclectic traditionalist .

Faulkner is a most untraditional traditionalist .

[ adjective ] stubbornly conservative and narrow-minded



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