ethical has definitions from the field of philosophy
[ adjective ] (philosophy) of or relating to the philosophical study of ethics


"ethical codes" "ethical theories"

Used in print

(Joyce O. Hertzler, American Social Institutions;...)

The common codes , for religious action as_such and in their ethical aspects for everyday moral behavior , bind the devotees together .

Related terms


[ adjective ] conforming to accepted standards of social or professional behavior


"an ethical lawyer" "ethical medical practice" "an ethical problem" "had no ethical objection to drinking" "Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants"- Omar N. Bradley

Used in print

(Jack Kaplan, "The Health Machine Menace: Therapy by...)

Rather , it is typical of the thousands of quacks who use phony therapeutic devices to fatten themselves on the miseries of hundreds of thousands of Americans by robbing them of millions of dollars and luring them away from legitimate , ethical medical treatment of serious diseases .

(Joyce O. Hertzler, American Social Institutions;...)

Religion can summate , epitomize , relate , and conserve all the highest ideals and values - ethical , aesthetic , and religious - of man formed in his culture .

Related terms

unethical right

[ adjective ] adhering to ethical and moral principles


"it seems ethical and right" "followed the only honorable course of action" "had the moral courage to stand alone"

Used in print

(The Rev. John A. O'Brien, "Let's Take Birth Control...)

In_general , the means ( excluding abortion ) that prove most effective are considered the most ethical .

Related terms

