[ adjective ] based on or told of in traditional stories; lacking factual basis or historical validity


"mythical centaurs" "the fabulous unicorn"

Used in print

(Schubert Ogden, Christ Without Myth....)

If the content of faith is to be presented today in a form that can be `` understanded of the people '' - and this , it must_not be forgotten , is one of the goals of the perennial theological task - there is no other choice but to abandon completely a mythological manner of representation .

This does not mean that mythological language as_such can no_longer be used in theology and preaching .

The absurd notion that demythologization entails the expurgation of all mythological concepts completely misrepresents Bultmann 's intention .

When we say that a mythological mode of thought must be completely abandoned , we mean it must be abandoned as the sole or proper means for presenting the Christian understanding of existence .

Mythological concepts may by_all_means still be used , but they can be used responsibly only as `` symbols '' or `` ciphers '' , that_is , only if they are also constantly interpreted in non mythological ( or existential ) terms .

Related terms


[ adjective ] of or relating to mythology; dealt with in myths


"mythological stories"

Related terms

