[ adverb ] many times at short intervals


"we often met over a cup of coffee"

Used in print

(Norman Kent, "The Watercolor Art of Roy M. Mason"...)

I work on a watercolor easel in the field , and frequently resort to a large garden umbrella to protect my eyes from undue strain .

(John R. Sargent, "Where To Aim Your Planning for Bigger...)

Frequently , wittingly or unwittingly , price consciousness has been fostered by manufacturers , distributors , and dealers .

Average manufacturer frequently has helped build private brand business , delivering largely the same qualities and styles in private brand merchandise as in branded .

Solutions frequently suggest themselves when you accurately pinpoint your problems , whether they be in the market , in marketing methods or in marketing management .

(Orlin J. Scoville, Part-Time Farming...)

Frequently he must work long hours in the hot sun or cold rain .

Related terms

rarely infrequently frequent
