[ adverb ] in a prominent way




"the new car was prominently displayed in the driveway"

Used in print

(Harold Searles, "Schizophrenic Communication,"...)

I have found , time_and_again , that some bit of particularly annoying and intractable behavior on the part of a patient rests , in_the_final_analysis , on this basis ; and only when I can acknowledge this , to myself , as being indeed an aspect of my personality , does it cease to be a prominently troublesome aspect of the patient 's behavior .

(Ralph B. Long. The Sentence and Its Parts: A...)

In I 'll go_with George dominant stress is probably on George ; but if George has just been mentioned prominently ( and the trip to be made has been under discussion ) , what is said is probably I 'll go_with him , and dominant stress is probably on the preposition with .
