[ adverb ] with honesty


justly justifiedly


"he was rightly considered the greatest singer of his time"

Used in print

(William G. Pollard, Physicist and Christian....)

There have been , indeed , many important and valuable gains from the development of our present scientific view of the world for which we may be rightly grateful .

Yet are not we of the mid twentieth century , who rightly do not believe there is any such `` thing '' as the devil , just as bad off as they - only in a different way ?

(Tristram P. Coffin, "Folklore in the American Twentieth...)

Folklore is his hobby , and he , all_too rightly , wishes it to remain as such .

(Chester G. Starr, The Origins of Greek Civili...)

In the vases this spirit may perhaps at_times bore or repel one in its internal self-satisfaction , but the best of the Geometric pins have rightly been considered among the most beautiful ever made in the Greek world .

Related terms

unjustly right just just
