monastic has definitions from the field of religion
[ adjective ] of communal life sequestered from the world under religious vows

Used in print

(J. H. Hexter, "Thomas More: On the Margins...)

Platonic , Stoic , early Christian , monastic , canonist or theological communism ; we are concerned with Utopian communism - that_is , simply communism as it appears in the imaginary commonwealth of Utopia , as More conceived it .

To derive Utopian communism from the Jerusalem Christian community of the apostolic age or from its medieval successors in spirit , the monastic communities , is with an appropriate shift of adjectives , misleading in the same way as to derive it from Plato 's Republic :

in the Republic we have to do with an elite of physical and intellectual athletes , in the apostolic and monastic communities with an elite of spiritual and religious athletes .

And the monastic communities were supposed to be made_up of volunteers selected only after a novitiate which would test their religious aptitude for monastic rigors , their spiritual athleticism .

And the monastic communities were supposed to be made_up of volunteers selected only after a novitiate which would test their religious aptitude for monastic rigors , their spiritual athleticism .

Related terms


[ noun ] (religion) a male religious living in a cloister and devoting himself to contemplation and prayer and work


