linguistic has definitions from the field of linguistics
[ adjective ] (linguistics) consisting of or related to language




"linguistic behavior" "a linguistic atlas" "lingual diversity"

Used in print

(Chester G. Starr, The Origins of Greek Civili...)

The same conclusions can be drawn from the other physical evidence of the Dark_ages , from linguistic distribution , and from the survivals of early social , political , and religious patterns into later ages .

[ adjective ] (linguistics) of or relating to the scientific study of language


"linguistic theory"

Used in print

(Hugh Kelly and Ted Ziehe, "Glossary Lookup Made Easy"...)

The many linguistic techniques for reducing the amount of dictionary information that have been proposed all organize the dictionary 's contents around prefixes , stems , suffixes , etc. .

(H. A. Gleason, "Review of African language studies...)

The problem is to disentangle the linguistic features of pitch from the co-occurring nonlinguistic features .

But in_general the individual variation is a small thing added onto basic linguistic features of greater magnitude .

Related terms

