[ adjective ] of or relating to the activity or business for which you are trained


"occupational hazard"

Used in print

(Tristram P. Coffin, "Folklore in the American Twentieth...)

Nor have we remembered that in the melting_pot of America the hundreds of isolated and semi isolated ethnic , regional and occupational groups did not fuse into a homogeneous national unit until long after education and industrialization had caused them to cast oral tradition aside as a means of carrying culturally significant material .

On the one side we have the university professors and their students , trained in Teutonic methods of research , who have sought_out , collected and studied the true products of the oral traditions of the ethnic , regional and occupational groups that make_up this nation .

In_fact , there is much evidence to indicate they do n't care a_bit about anything beyond their particular regional , ethnic and occupational limits .

Related terms

occupation occupation
