settlement has definitions from the fields of business,psychology,sociology,geography
[ noun ] a body of people who settle far from home but maintain ties with their homeland; inhabitants remain nationals of their home state but are not literally under the home state's system of government



Used in print

(John Harnsberger and Robert P. Wilkins,...)

Seven hundred miles south of York_Factory , at `` the Forks '' of the Red and the Assiniboine , twenty-three men located a settlement in August 1812 .

It was the low yield of the Selkirk plots and the ravages of grasshoppers in 1818 that led to the dispersal of the settlement southward .

The new site was somewhat warmer than Fort_Douglas and much closer to the great herds of buffalo on which the settlement must depend for food .

As these Swiss were moving from the Selkirk settlement to become the first civilian residents of Minnesota , Dousman of Michilimackinac , Michigan , and Prairie_du_Chien was traveling_to Red_River to open a trade in merchandise .

At the point where they ended , another settlement grew up around a chapel built at the boat landing by Father_Lucian_Galtier in 1840 .

[ noun ] the act of colonizing; the establishment of colonies


"the British colonization of America"

Used in print

(John Harnsberger and Robert P. Wilkins,...)

Thus at the same time that William_Henry_Harrison was preparing to pacify the aborigines of Indiana_Territory and winning fame at the battle of Tippecanoe , Anglo-Saxon settlement made a great leap into the center of the North_American continent to the west of the American agricultural frontier .

For its part the Hudson's_Bay_Company was troubled by the approach of American settlement .

[ noun ] a conclusive resolution of a matter and disposition of it

Used in print

(Legislation on Foreign Relations. Committee on Foreign...)

There are hereby created in the Treasury of the United_States ( 1 ) a special fund to be known as the Yugoslav_Claims_Fund ; and ( 2 ) such other special funds as may , in the discretion of the Secretary_of_the_Treasury , be required each to be a claims fund to be known by the name of the foreign government which has entered into a settlement agreement with the Government of the United_States as described in subsection ( a ) of section 4 of_this Title .

a special fund created for that purpose pursuant to subsection ( a ) of_this section any amounts hereafter paid , in United_States_dollars , by a foreign government which has entered into a claims settlement agreement with the Government of the United_States as described in subsection ( a ) of section 4 of_this Title .

[ noun ] (sociology) a community of people smaller than a town


village small_town

Used in print

(John Harnsberger and Robert P. Wilkins,...)

His trading goods came from Canada to the Forks of Red_River and from Selkirk's settlement he brought them south in carts .

This traffic , he declared prophetically , `` tho ' it might be of small account at_first , would increase with the progress of our Settlements '' .

Related terms

community moshav

[ noun ] (psychology) something settled or resolved; the outcome of decision making


resolution closure


"the finally reached a settlement with the union" "they never did achieve a final resolution of their differences"

Used in print

(Legislation on Foreign Relations. Committee on Foreign...)

The Commission shall complete its affairs in connection with settlement of United_States-Yugoslav claims arising under the Yugoslav_Claims_Agreement_of_1948 not later than December_31 , 1954 : Provided , That nothing in_this provision shall be construed to limit the life of the Commission , or its authority to act_on future agreements which may be effected under the provisions of_this legislation .

Related terms

decision_making settle

[ noun ] (geography) an area where a group of families live together
[ noun ] (business) termination of a business operation by using its assets to discharge its liabilities


