[ verb ] make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.


"Decorate the room for the party" "beautify yourself for the special day"

Used in print

(John Cheever, "The Brigadier and the Golf Widow,"...)

I would not want to be one of those writers who begin each morning by exclaiming , `` O Gogol , O Chekhov , O Thackeray and Dickens , what would you have made_of a bomb_shelter ornamented with four plaster-of-Paris ducks , a birdbath , and three composition gnomes with long beards and red mobcaps '' ?

[ noun ] something used to beautify

Used in print

(Chester G. Starr, The Origins of Greek Civili...)

Ripe_Geometric potters continued to employ the old syntax of ornaments and shapes and made use of the well-defined though limited range of motifs which they had inherited .

[ verb ] be an ornament to


"stars ornamented the Christmas tree"

Related terms

deck decorate
