dominant has definitions from the field of music
[ adjective ] exercising influence or control


"television plays a dominant role in molding public opinion" "the dominant partner in the marriage"

Used in print

(Philip Reaves, "Who Rules the Marriage Bed?"...)

In the past , it has been the husband who has been dominant and the wife passive .

Beyond a certain point , of_course , no woman can be dominant - nature has seen to that .

Sometimes this leads to his becoming demandingly dominant in marriage .

(The Rev. John A. O'Brien, "Let's Take Birth Control...)

It is always a temptation for a religious organization , especially a powerful or dominant one , to impose through the clenched_fist of the law its creedal viewpoint upon others .

(Barry Goldwater, "A Foreign Policy for America"...)

It follows that victory over Communism is the dominant , proximate goal of American policy .

[ adjective ] of genes; producing the same phenotype whether its allele is identical or dissimilar

Related terms


[ noun ] (music) the fifth note of the diatonic scale

Related terms

note music
