bible has definitions from the fields of writing,religion,Bible
[ noun ] (religion,Bible,writing) the sacred writings of the Christian religion


"he went to carry the Word to the heathen"

Used in print

(The Christian Science Monitor,...)

But except for a vague adherence to the basic storyline - i.e. , that Ruth remained with Naomi and finally wound_up with Boaz - the film version has little to do with the Bible .

(Schubert Ogden, Christ Without Myth....)

There is an ancient and venerable tradition in the church ( which derives , however , from the heritage of the Greeks rather than from the Bible ) that God is completely independent of his creation and so has no need of men for accomplishing his work in the world .

(Glayds H. Barr, The Master of Geneva....)

Calmly he opened the Bible and read of the woman at the well .

An occasional traveler from Italy brought news of Peter_Robert , who was now distributing his Bible among the Waldensian peasants .

(Irving Stone, The Agony and the Ecstasy....)

Search as he might , he could find no place where the Bible spoke of a moment when Mary could have been alone with Jesus .

[ noun ] (religion,Bible,writing) the sacred writings of the Christian religion


"he went to carry the Word to the heathen"

Used in print

(The Christian Science Monitor,...)

But except for a vague adherence to the basic storyline - i.e. , that Ruth remained with Naomi and finally wound_up with Boaz - the film version has little to do with the Bible .

(Schubert Ogden, Christ Without Myth....)

There is an ancient and venerable tradition in the church ( which derives , however , from the heritage of the Greeks rather than from the Bible ) that God is completely independent of his creation and so has no need of men for accomplishing his work in the world .

(Glayds H. Barr, The Master of Geneva....)

Calmly he opened the Bible and read of the woman at the well .

An occasional traveler from Italy brought news of Peter_Robert , who was now distributing his Bible among the Waldensian peasants .

(Irving Stone, The Agony and the Ecstasy....)

Search as he might , he could find no place where the Bible spoke of a moment when Mary could have been alone with Jesus .

[ noun ] Last name, frequency rank in the U.S. is 4258
[ noun ] (writing) a book regarded as authoritative in its field

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