dialect has definitions from the field of linguistics
[ noun ] (linguistics) the usage or vocabulary that is characteristic of a specific group of people


idiom accent


"the immigrants spoke an odd dialect of English" "he has a strong German accent"

Used in print

(Bell I. Wiley, "Home Letters of Johnny Reb and Billy...)

Private Jenkins_Lloyd_Jones of the Wisconsin_Light_Artillery wrote in his diary : `` I strolled among the Alabamans on the right , found some of the greenest specimens of humanity I think in the universe their ignorance being little less_than the slave they despise with as imperfect a dialect ' They Recooned as how you ' uns all would be a heap wus to we ' uns all '' ' .

(Edward Jablonski, Harold Arlen Happy with the Blues....)

If his scholarship and formal musicianship were not all they might have been , Mercer demonstrated at an early age that he was gifted with a remarkable ear for rhythm and dialect .

From his playmates in Savannah , Mercer had picked_up , along with a soft Southern dialect , traces also of the Gullah dialects of Africa .

From his playmates in Savannah , Mercer had picked_up , along with a soft Southern dialect , traces also of the Gullah dialects of Africa .

(Ralph J. Salisbury, "On the Old Santa Fe Trail...)

How lightly her `` eventshah-leh '' passed_into_the_crannies where I was storing dialect material for some vaguely dreamed opus , and how the word would echo .
