dictionary has definitions from the fields of linguistics,writing
[ noun ] (linguistics,writing) a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information about them



Used in print

(John F. Hayward, "Mimesis and Symbol in the Arts"...)

A word taken in its dictionary meaning , a photographic image of a recognizable object , the mere picturing of a `` scene '' tends to lose experiential vividness and to connote such conventional abstractions as to invite neutral reception without the incitement of value feelings .

(Hugh Kelly and Ted Ziehe, "Glossary Lookup Made Easy"...)

The many linguistic techniques for reducing the amount of dictionary information that have been proposed all organize the dictionary 's contents around prefixes , stems , suffixes , etc. .

The many linguistic techniques for reducing the amount of dictionary information that have been proposed all organize the dictionary 's contents around prefixes , stems , suffixes , etc. .

This approach requires that : ( 1 ) each text word be separated into smaller elements to establish a correspondence between the occurrence and dictionary_entries , and ( 2 ) the information retrieved from several entries in the dictionary be synthesized into a description of the particular word .

The logical scheme used to accomplish the former influences the placement of information in the dictionary file .
