dietary has definitions from the field of food
[ adjective ] of or relating to the diet


dietetical dietetic


"dietary restrictions"

Used in print

(Organic Gardening and Farming,...)

Then they were given 1_2 to 1 - 1_2 avocados per day as a substitute for part of their dietary fat consumption .

(S. Idell Pyle, et al., Onsets, Completions, and...)

Its Completion thus becomes one of the convenient maturity indicators to include in studies of growth , dietary patterns , and health during adolescence .

(Jacob Robbins et al., "The thyroid-stimulating...)

In_addition , depending_on availability of dietary iodine , thyroglobulin may contain varying quantities of iodine .

In the experimental animal and in man gross deficiency in dietary iodine causes thyroid hyperplasia , hypertrophy and increased thyroid activity ( Money , Rall and Rawson , 1952 ; Stanbury , Brownell , Riggs , Perinetti , Itoiz , and Del_Castillo , 1954 ) .

Related terms

diet diet diet

[ noun ] (food) a regulated daily food allowance

Related terms

fare diet
