ordinary has definitions from the fields of heraldry,transportation,law,work,religion,Christianity
[ adjective ] not exceptional in any way especially in quality or ability or size or degree


"ordinary everyday objects" "ordinary decency" "an ordinary day" "an ordinary wine"

Used in print

(The Times-Picayune, [New Orleans]...)

It is conceivable that Broxodent could do a better job than ordinary brushing , especially in those who do not brush their teeth properly .

An ordinary hot bath or shower will do the same .

(Edward Austin Walton, "On Education for the Interior...)

Ordinary politeness may have militated against this opinion being stated so badly but anyone with a wide acquaintance in both groups and who has sat through the many round_tables , workshops or panel_discussions - whatever they are called - on this subject will recognize that the final , boiled_down crux_of_the_matter is education .

(R. P. Jerrard, "Inscribed squares in plane curves"...)

An ordinary point will be any point_of_intersection A such_that in every neighborhood of A in the C-plane , **f meets both the interior and the exterior of C .

In some neighborhood in the f-plane of any ordinary point of the graph , the function f is a single valued , continuous function .

[ adjective ] lacking special distinction, rank, or status; commonly encountered




"average people" "the ordinary (or common) man in the street"

Used in print

(Robert A. Futterman, The Future of Our Cities....)

At_the_same_time , Roosevelt 's Federal_Housing_Administration , coupled with Henry_Morgenthau 's cheap-money policy , permitted ordinary lower-middle-class families to build their own homes .

Related terms


[ noun ] (law,work) a judge of a probate court

Used in print

(The Atlanta Constitution...)

Ordinary Carey_Williams , armed with a pistol , stood_by at the polls to insure order .

Ordinary Williams said he , too , was subjected to anonymous calls soon after he scheduled the election .

Sheriff_Felix_Tabb said the ordinary apparently made_good his promise .

Related terms

judge law

[ noun ] the expected or commonplace condition or situation


: "not out of the ordinary"

Used in print

(The Atlanta Constitution...)

The jury also commented on the Fulton ordinary 's court which has been under_fire for its practices in the appointment of appraisers , guardians and administrators and the awarding of fees and compensation .

Related terms

condition condition

[ noun ] (religion,Christianity) a clergyman appointed to prepare condemned prisoners for death

Related terms


[ noun ] (transportation) an early bicycle with a very large front wheel and small back wheel



Related terms

cycle bicycle

[ noun ] (heraldry) any of several conventional figures used on shields