[ adjective ] relating to or affecting the lungs


pulmonic pneumonic


"pulmonary disease"

Used in print

(Richard F. McLaughlin, et al., "A study of the...)

One bronchial arteriolar pulmonary arteriolar anastomosis was noted at the terminal bronchiolar level ( fig. 26 ) .

A reason for such wide variation in the pulmonary morphology is entirely lacking at_present .

Theoretically , they are capable of extracting their required oxygen either from the surrounding air ( Ghoreyeb and Karsner , ' 13 ) or from pulmonary arterial blood ( Comroe , ' 58 ) .

Also , for the present , great caution should be exercised in the choice of an experimental animal for pulmonary studies if they are to be applied to man .

(J. W. C. Hagstrom et al., "Debilitating muscular...)

In February , 1958 , the patient suffered a myocardial_infarction complicated by pulmonary edema .

Related terms

lung lung lung
