[ noun ] a general inclusive concept

Used in print

(Frank Oppenheimer, "Science and Fear-- A Discussion...)

There is a haunting resemblance between the notion of cause in Copernicus and in Freud .

(Brand Blanshard, "The Emotive Theory," Robert...)

In such a case , any attitude would be as fitting or unfitting as any other , which means that the notion of fitness has lost all point .

Related terms

concept mumpsimus

[ noun ] a vague idea in which some confidence is placed


"his impression of her was favorable" "what are your feelings about the crisis?" "it strengthened my belief in his sincerity" "I had a feeling that she was lying"

Used in print

(Schubert Ogden, Christ Without Myth....)

The absurd notion that demythologization entails the expurgation of all mythological concepts completely misrepresents Bultmann 's intention .

(Jaroslav Pelikan, The Shape of Death: life, death and...)

This leads Irenaeus to the somewhat startling notion that Adam and Eve died on the same day that they disobeyed , namely , on a Friday , as a parallel to the death of Christ on Good_Friday ; he sees a parallel also to the Jewish day of preparation for the Sabbath .

(Frank Oppenheimer, "Science and Fear-- A Discussion...)

We have staved_off a war and , since our behavior has involved all these elements , we can only keep adding to our ritual without daring to abandon any part of_it , since we have not the slightest notion which parts are effective .

When confronted with a drunk or an insane person I have no notion of what any one of them might do to me or to himself or to others .

(Howard Nemerov, "Themes and Methods: The Early...)

Finally , the theatrical ( and perversely erotic ) notions of dressing_up , cosmetics , disguise , and especially change of costume ( or singularity of costume , as with Cipolla ) , are characteristically associated with the catastrophes of Mann 's stories .

[ noun ] an odd or fanciful or capricious idea


whimsy whimsey whim


"the theatrical notion of disguise is associated with disaster in his stories" "he had a whimsy about flying to the moon" "whimsy can be humorous to someone with time to enjoy it"

Used in print

(Frieda Arkin, "The Light of the Sea," in The...)

Or it might have been the absent nephews she addressed , consciously playing with the notion that this was one of the summers of their early years .

Related terms


[ noun ] (usually plural) small personal articles or clothing or sewing items




"buttons and needles are notions"
