self-determination has definitions from the fields of politics,government
[ noun ] (politics,government) government of a country by its own people

Used in print

(Barry Goldwater, "A Foreign Policy for America"...)

Freedom , in the sense of self-determination , is a worthy objective ; but if granting self-determination to the Algerian rebels entails sweeping that area into the Sino-Soviet orbit , then Algerian freedom must be postponed .

Freedom , in the sense of self-determination , is a worthy objective ; but if granting self-determination to the Algerian rebels entails sweeping that area into the Sino-Soviet orbit , then Algerian freedom must be postponed .

Never_mind whether the Kikiyus and the Bantus enjoyed Wilsonian self-determination : the point is that in the struggle for the world that vast land_mass was under the domination and influence of the West .

[ noun ] determination of one's own fate or course of action without compulsion

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