modernization has definitions from the field of writing
[ noun ] making modern in appearance of behavior


"the modernization of Nigeria will be a long process"

Used in print

(Max F. Millikan and Donald L. M. Blackmer,...)

As the historic processes of modernization gradually gain momentum , their cohesion will be threatened by divisive forces , the gaps between rulers and subjects , town and country , will widen ; new aspirants for power will emerge whose ambitions far exceed their competence ; old rulers may lose their nerve and their sense_of_direction .

The men in power are committed in_principle to modernization , but economic and social changes are proceeding only erratically .

Progress is impeded by psychological inhibitions to effective action among those in power and by a failure on their part to understand how local resources , human and material , can be mobilized to achieve the national goals of modernization already symbolically accepted .

If modernization programs are imposed from above , without the understanding and cooperation of the people , they will encounter grave difficulties .

It should be American policy not_only to encourage effective land_reform programs but also to underline the relation of such reforms to the economic growth and modernization of the society .

Related terms

improvement civilize

[ noun ] (writing) a modernized version (as of a play)

Related terms

