stimulation has definitions from the fields of biology,sexuality,physiology
[ noun ] the act of arousing an organism to action

Used in print

(E. Gellhorn, "Prolegomena to a theory of the emotions"...)

Moreover , the responsiveness of the hypothalamus to nociceptive stimulation is greatly increased under these conditions .

Since electrical stimulation of the posterior hypothalamus produces the effects of wakefulness while stimulation of the anterior hypothalamus induces sleep , it may be said that the reactivity of the whole organism is altered by a change in the autonomic reactivity of the hypothalamus .

Since electrical stimulation of the posterior hypothalamus produces the effects of wakefulness while stimulation of the anterior hypothalamus induces sleep , it may be said that the reactivity of the whole organism is altered by a change in the autonomic reactivity of the hypothalamus .

Related terms

arousal galvanisation induce

[ noun ] any stimulating information or event; acts to arouse action

Used in print

(William C. Smith, "Why Fear Ideas?"...)

By_no_means would we discourage the production of ideas : they provide raw_materials with which to work ; they provide stimulations that lead to further production .

(Ralph B. Long. The Sentence and Its Parts: A...)

Strong stress on hunger treats hunger as an additional stimulus , strong stress on stimulates treats stimulation as an additional effect of hunger , strong stress on man treats man as an additional creature who responds to the stimulation of hunger .

(Jay Williams, The Forger....)

They lack stimulation .

[ noun ] (physiology) the effect of a stimulus (on nerves or organs etc.)
[ noun ] (biology,sexuality) mutual sexual stimulation prior to sexual intercourse


arousal foreplay
