transportation has definitions from the fields of transportation,business,government,accounting
[ noun ] (transportation) facility consisting of the roads and equipment necessary for the movement of passengers or goods

Used in print

([Anonymous,] "The Attack on Employee Services"...)

If you provide inter plant transportation , can this be replaced by available public transportation ?

If you provide inter plant transportation , can this be replaced by available public transportation ?

If you use company transportation to meet trains or to haul visitors , would taxis be cheaper ?

(Sports Age, 24:9...)

Just as modern transportation has outmoded the early Studebaker covered_wagon , the demand of today 's sportsmen and women has necessitated changes in their equipment .

Among them , according to the U._S. Department_of_Commerce , are : ( 1 ) shorter work_weeks , ( 2 ) higher pay , ( 3 ) longer paid_vacations , ( 4 ) better transportation , ( 5 ) earlier retirement , and ( 6 ) more education .

[ noun ] (transportation) the act of transporting something from one location to another

Used in print

(Orlin J. Scoville, Part-Time Farming...)

Usually , the cost of food and shelter will be somewhat less on the farm and the cost of transportation and utilities somewhat more .

Check on the schools in the area , the quality of teaching , and the provision for transportation to and from them .

(Your Federal Income Tax. 1962 Edition (Revised to...)

They also deduct transportation expenses incurred in_connection_with the performance of services as employees even though they are not away from home .

(Committee for Economic Development, Distressed...)

Transportation may be provided from nearby school districts .

[ noun ] (government,transportation) the federal department that institutes and coordinates national transportation programs; created in 1966
[ noun ] the act of expelling a person from their native land


"men in exile dream of hope" "his deportation to a penal colony" "the expatriation of wealthy farmers" "the sentence was one of transportation for life"

[ noun ] (accounting,business) the sum charged for riding in a public conveyance



[ noun ] (transportation,business) the commercial enterprise of transporting goods and materials


shipping transport
