translation has definitions from the fields of linguistics,writing,biology,genetics,mathematics
[ noun ] (linguistics) a written communication in a second language having the same meaning as the written communication in a first language

Used in print

(Clement Greenberg, "Collage" in his Art and...)

Only when the collage had been exhaustively translated into oil , and transformed by this translation , did Cubism become an affair of positive color and flat , interlocking silhouettes whose legibility and placement created allusions to , if_not the illusion of , unmistakable three-dimensional identities .

[ noun ] a uniform movement without rotation

Used in print

(R. P. Jerrard, "Inscribed squares in plane curves"...)

It is also seen that **f , since the change from **f to **f is accomplished by a continuous translation .

A continuous change in t through an amount e results in a translation along an analytic arc of the curve **f .

[ noun ] the act of changing in form or shape or appearance




"a photograph is a translation of a scene onto a two-dimensional surface"

Used in print

(Norman Kent, "The Watercolor Art of Roy M. Mason"...)

`` I am thoroughly convinced that most watercolors suffer because the artist expects nature will do his composing for him ; as a result , such pictures are only a literal translation of what the artist finds in the scene before him .

(Walter H. Buchsbaum, "Advances in Medical Electronics"...)

Where the microscope under visible_light may show only vague shadows or nothing at_all , ultraviolet_illumination and subsequent translation into a color TV picture reveal a wealth of detail .

[ noun ] (writing) rewording something in less technical terminology

Related terms


[ noun ] (genetics) the process whereby genetic information coded in messenger RNA directs the formation of a specific protein at a ribosome in the cytoplasm

Related terms

organic_process genetics

[ noun ] (mathematics) a transformation in which the origin of the coordinate system is moved to another position but the direction of each axis remains the same

Related terms

transformation mathematics

[ noun ] the act of uniform movement



Related terms

motion translate
