ossification has definitions from the fields of biology,medicine,chemistry
[ noun ] (biology,medicine) the process of bone formation

Used in print

(S. Idell Pyle, et al., Onsets, Completions, and...)

The difference between the sequence of Onset of ossification for the sexes governs the numbering sequence in Figures 3 and 4 .

Thus , the Span of its ossification was shortened and the center 's ability to `` catch_up '' in ossification is demonstrated .

Thus , the Span of its ossification was shortened and the center 's ability to `` catch_up '' in ossification is demonstrated .

With due consideration for the limits of precision in assessing , expected rate of change in ossification of girls age 2 years , and the known variations in rate of ossification of these children as described in our preceding paper in the Supplement , each arrow with a `` shaft length '' of four months or less was selected as indicating `` same schedule '' at Onset and Completion , for this particular epiphysis .

With due consideration for the limits of precision in assessing , expected rate of change in ossification of girls age 2 years , and the known variations in rate of ossification of these children as described in our preceding paper in the Supplement , each arrow with a `` shaft length '' of four months or less was selected as indicating `` same schedule '' at Onset and Completion , for this particular epiphysis .

Related terms


[ noun ] (chemistry) the calcification of soft tissue into a bonelike material

Related terms

calcification ossify

[ noun ] the process of becoming rigidly fixed in a conventional pattern of thought or behavior

Related terms

human_process rigidify

[ noun ] hardened conventionality



Related terms

conventionality rigidify
