[ noun ] the state of being without a flaw or defect

Used in print

(The New York Times,...)

If such a paragon of perfection as Palmer could commit such a scoring sacrilege , there was hope left for all .

(St. Louis Post-Dispatch,...)

Mantle , it 's apparent , resented Casey_Stengel 's attempts to push and prod him into the perfection the veteran manager saw as a thrilling possibility .

(Jaroslav Pelikan, The Shape of Death: life, death and...)

Adam and Eve were perfect , not in the sense that they possessed perfection , but in the sense that they were capable of development toward perfection .

Adam and Eve were perfect , not in the sense that they possessed perfection , but in the sense that they were capable of development toward perfection .

(Bonnie Prudden, "The Dancer and the Gymnast"...)

The gymnast must develop strength , flexibility , coordination , timing , rhythm , courage , discipline , persistence and the desire for perfection .

[ noun ] an ideal instance; a perfect embodiment of a concept

Related terms

ideal gold_standard idolize

[ noun ] the act of making something perfect

Related terms

improvement perfect
